Waste not, want not!
Sustainability is an integral part of how we work, how we act, and how we live. We believe Turkish Bread can make positive changes that will impact our environment and our people. Over the last year with innovation we have reduced our packaging by over 38% and are using a soft recyclable plastic for all our products.
Many of the Turkish Bread team are ocean lovers which is why we’re supporting LegaSea, a non-profit organisation dedicated to restoring the abundance, biodiversity, and health of New Zealand’s marine environment.

LegaSea’s amazing Kai Ika project – meaning waste not, want not – collects fish heads, frames, and offal that otherwise would have been thrown away, and distributes them to families in need.
Since 2016 over 16,000 kilos of fish parts have been diverted from landfill and repurposed for consumption or organic use.
We’re proudly supporting this initiative by donating Turkish Bread products each week.